--The speakers will deliver their talk in English unless they speak Spanish--


Coming Soon


Pending approval

  • Carlos Di Bella, INTA, Argentina

    Christopher Jones, Cardiff University, UK

    Diana Castro, ENCB-IPN, México

    Didier Leibovici, University of Nottingham, UK

    Farid Karimipour, University of Tehran, Iran

    Felipe O. Tapia Silva, UAM, México

    Gavin MacArdle, University College, Dublin, Ireland

    Georg Gartner, TU Vienna, Austria

    Gloria Faus Landeros, ITESM-Campus Guadalajara, México

    Hassan Karimi, University of Pittsburgh, US

    Ki-Joune Li, Pusan University, South-Korea

    Kyoung-Sook Kim, AIST, Japan

    Manuel Enrique Puebla Martínez, Universidad Ciencias, Cuba

    María Elena Torres Olave, UACJ, México

    Mauro Gaio, LIUPPA - UFR S&T de PAU (UPPA), France

    Roberto Zagal, ESCOM - IPN

    Sergio Ilarri, University of Zaragoza, Spain

    Shoko Wakamiya, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

    Willington Siabato, Universidad Nacional, Bogota, Colombia

    Xiang Li, East Normal China University, Shanghai, China

    Zakaria Abdelmoiz DAHI, Constantine University, Algeria

    Kamel ZELTNI, Constantine University, Algeria

    Christian Cintrano, Malaga University, Spain

    Francisco Aragón, Universidad de Granada, Spain

    Ricardo Garcia, CIBNOR, México

    R. Weibel, University of Zurich, Suiza

    S. Carlos Di Bella, INTA, Argentina

    S. Winter, The University of Melbourne, Australia

    S. Yokoyama, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japon

    J. Zarazaga, University of Zaragoza, España

    D. Ziebelin, Universite Grenoble Alpes, Francia

    Daniela Elisabeth Ballari, Ecuador Wint

  • Editors

    Daniela Elisabeth Ballari

    Roberto Zagal Flores

    Jose Antonio Leon Borges

    Miguel Félix Mata Rivera


    Miguel Félix Mata Rivera, PhD, México GIS LATAM & UPIITA-IPN (chair)

    Miriam Olivares,MS, GISP, GIS LATAM & Yale University (co-chair)

    Roberto Zagal Flores, Phd, México GIS LATAM & ESCOM-IPN (co-chair)

    Carlos Hernandez Nava, MS, México GIS LATAM & UPIITA-IPN (co-chair)

The primary goal of our group is to bring together experts and enthusiasts in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) from across Latin America. Our main focus is to host an annual event that highlights research and advancements in both GIS and education. This event attracts participants from academia, industry, and government agencies.
Moreover, our aim is to promote collaboration by forming partnerships with universities, government bodies, and industry stakeholders to create joint programs. We also facilitate meetings and discussion groups to collaborate on a wide range of topics.
This year marks the 5th edition of our conference, featuring speakers and panelists from the USA, China, France, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico, as well as various organizations and government institutions, including Mexico's INEGI.The purpose of the group is to bring together specialists and interested in the GIS area in Latin America mainly, to have an annual event to present works and advances related to geographic information systems, both from research communities and industry and government. Also, participate and define collaborative programs in conjunction with universities, government entities, and industry. In addition, have meetings and discussion groups to collaborate on issues such as projects, theses and stays in several institutions, participation in the call, funding and other support modalities. For example, this year organizes this initiative through the Space Intelligence Workshop, where we contact speakers from various institutions.

Sincerely, founders:
Miriam Olivares
Miguel Felix-Mata
Roberto Zagal-Flores


  • José Antonio León Borges UQROO

    Campus Cancún

  • Rodolfo Rioja Nieto


  • Joan Alberto Sánchez Sánchez
  • Diana Gabriela Castro Frontana


  • Luis Manuel Vilches-Blázquez


  • Daniel Sergio Martínez Ramírez UQROO

    Campus Cancún

  • Bertha Eugenia Mar Morales


  • Miriam Olivares

    Yale University

  • Miguel Felix Mata Rivera


  • Roberto Zagal Flores


  • Hugo Barrera


  • Marisol Ugalde Monzalvo


  • Gabriela Gómez Rodríguez

    Instituto de Geografía UNAM

  • Jorge Alberto Cruz Barbosa

    CIESAS Occidente


  • Jairo Zagal

    Account Manager & Staff Leader

  • Arely Valencia

    Design & Support

  • Gabriel Robledo

    Social Media

  • Francisco Montañez

    Registration & Support

  • Luis Vidal

    Registration & Support

  • Enrique Hernandez

    Support in Workshops

  • Javier Alberto

    Design & Support

  • Daniel

    Speaker Presenter & Support

  • Benjamin

    Speaker Presenter & Support

  • Jesús Cerecedo