With 22 years of geospatial experience, Miriam Olivares is the GIS Librarian at Yale University, where she coordinates the GIS support services. She has published and contributed to scholarly and consulting projects based in Australia, North and Central America, and Somalia, including areas such as spatial data discovery and management, supply chain, crime analysis, natural hazards, marine conservation, and vaccine hesitancy. Currently, she serves on the Board of Review for the Leventhal Map & Education Center at the Boston Public Library, as well as on Connecticut GIO's GIS Strategic Plan and GIS Clearinghouse Workgroups. Miriam is the co-founder and international chair of GIS LATAM. Previously, she served as director of the board for UCGIS and the New Haven-based nonprofit Junta, and co-chaired Yale’s Women in Tech. She was featured in the first Esri Women and GIS book.